Monday, January 30, 2017

Executive Orders (and Memoranda)

I heard on the local talk radio show today that Barack Obama made five executive orders during the first two weeks of his presidency; Donald Trump has made six seven. I decided to look up what they were. I am thankful every day that the internet makes such research easy.

Obama's First Executive Orders:
  1. January 20th, 2009: 120-day halt on "legal proceedings" for prisoners at Guantánamo Bay.
  2. January 22nd, 2009: Orders Guantánamo Bay facility to close within a year.
  3. January 22nd, 2009: Requires interrogators to follow the methods in the Army Field Manual (same article as #2). In other words, to not torture people. The two psychologists who cooked up the questionable methods used at Guantánamo Bay are still on trial. [link]
  4. Before January 26th, 2009: Ends ban on federal funding for international organizations that encourage or perform abortions (pro-choice opinion article; could not find original source in search function). It was reversed by President Trump in 2017 -- in other words, any organization that so much as mentions abortion gets their funding revoked.
  5. Soon after January 24th, 2009: Lifts ban on federal funding for stem-cell research. Obama was "expected to" do this when the article was written.

Trump's First Executive Orders:
  1. January 20th, 2017: Announcing plans to dismantle (and rebuild?) Obamacare.
  2. January 24th, 2017: "Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infrastructure Projects." I understand that this is aimed at expediting the Dakota Access Pipeline and similar projects.
  3. January 25th, 2017: Promises to enforce strict immigration laws, especially on self-declared "sanctuary cities." Couches it as a security measure.
  4. January 25th, 2017: "Immigration Enforcement Improvements." With the U.S.-Mexico border.
  5. January 27th, 2017: "PROTECTING THE NATION FROM FOREIGN TERRORIST ENTRY INTO THE UNITED STATES." This was the thinly-disguised anti-Muslim travel ban. Also, the title was entirely in caps.
  6. January 28th, 2017: Lobbying restrictions. Not sure who this is aimed at. I do not have time today to seek out that information.
  7. January 30th, 2017: Budget restrictions. He appears to want the agencies to not spend more than in previous years. If one program costs more, cut another to balance it out. This would probably throttle sections of government he and his cabinet members disapprove of.
While I was searching for info, my partner directed me to this article from MSN / The Washington Post about how, technically, not all of Trump's recent declarations are executive orders (commands to a whole department to do things a certain way), but executive memoranda (presidential suggestions). The orders are numbered and published in the Federal Registrar. I guess the memoranda are tracked in press releases?

Now that I've found the Trump Administration's website, I'm going to be visiting it a lot. I...would rather not, but it is the best source for official announcements.

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